Thursday, January 15, 2009

Solar - The need of the hour.

Solar energy .
Making electricity from sunlight, which other wise is going to be wasted. Around 0.02% of the total solar energy is sufficient to replace all the usage of fossil fuels and nuclear power as an energy resource.
So, to everyone who by chance came to this blog, this blog will completely focus on the solar energy and the need for it.

Lets get started. Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy resource.

Solar energy is actually the suns rays that reaches the surface of the earth. This energy can be used in two ways and by the way, this energy is being used, it has two divisions:

1) Solar thermal: As the name indicates, solar thermal is the process of using the suns rays to produce heat.
Some of the applications where the solar thermal concept has been widely used are the solar water heaters, and the solar cookers.

2) Photovoltaics: Producing voltage from light is photovoltaics. This is where, the solar cells comes in to picture. Solar cells generate electricity when sunlight is incident onto it.

A 1 cm by 1cm solar cell, produced from silicon can generate a voltage of 600 mv and a current of 35 mili amps.
These cells can be connected in series or in parallel according to the desired application and be used.

Some of the most attractive, fascinating advantages of these solar cells are :

1) They can be used for a variety of applications ranging from powering your house to powering the small calculator. No other renewable energy resource has this unique potential.

2) The solar cells are given the guarantee of 20 to 25 years. Which other product in the market is given guarantee for such a long period?

3) There are many people in the world who are not connected to the grid (electricity supply). If you are going to install grids and then supply electricity to these people, then their lifetime would be over.

4) Conversion from sunlight to electricity is direct, you dont require any big mechanical generators and other stuffs to produce electricity.

5)Last but not the least, the most important advantage of photovoltaics is that it creates clean energy. It is free and it does not pollute the air or water.

Of course, the electricity from solar energy is costly and hell a lot of research are being done to bring the cost down. The most important research that is being done, is to produce the solar cells in a cost effective way.

Its time to act intelligently, to protect the environment for our future generations. Enough of being selfish and enjoying everything for ourselves.

The carbon dioxide emission has increased drastically and if it is not controlled, then that means the end. If we continue to keep burning the coal and oil for producing electricity, of course we can survive, what about our children who are going to stay here? Just to give you all an insight of what is happening around, the global temperature has been increasing. We living in tropical countries will not feel the difference if the temperature rises by one or two degrees, but this temperature change is drastic for people in Europe where they can feel the change, see the ice melting. Just imagine what will happen if this temperature keeps increasing,
the glaciers melts, the sea level increases and the people living near the coastal areas will be affected.

The electricity produced from coal is cheap, but do we take into account the amount of carbon dioxide they produce to generate the electricity. Lets start taxing them based on the amount of carbon dioxide they emit and then compare the prices for electricity with that of the solar electricity. You will know then which is cheaper and safer.

The main drawback with solar energy is that lack of people's knowledge on this topic. We are all with the wrong notion that this form of energy is damn costly and not for our generation. If we keep believing like this, then we will not have our future generations here.

Solar is the way to go, As long as the sun is available, we will have clean electricity. Lets go for the greener cleaner environment.

1 comment:

Lava (Sanskrit: लव) said...

A technoblog!

A deviation from what others usually do.

Actually this is the need of the hour and i think everyone should embrace it